Life with Samuel: 5 Months


Happy weekend, everyone!

I certainly didn’t mean to leave this blog silent for so long.  Life with a baby leaves little time for blogging!

These days David and I are spending our days working hard, enjoying the summer, and soaking up time with Sam.

I need to be a little cliche here and say …. I can’t believe we have a 5 month old! Time is going by so fast! My baby…aah!

Our Sam is such a sweetheart.  We live for his little smiles and laughs and grunts.  We go crazy for every single facial expression.  It is SO FUN to see him develop and figure out the world around him.  We are in love and enjoying him so much.

We’re really lucky — he isn’t giving his first-time parents too hard of a time.  He gives us just enough trouble to keep us on our toes. Overall he is an easy-going dude.


Back to work

A big change since I last posted — I’m back to work.  So far the transition has gone well.  I fully enjoyed my time at home with Sam.  The night before going to work I had a full-on teary meltdown, mostly because I enjoyed my time with him so much and I knew everything would be different from there on out.  Working is the new normal now. It makes me thankful for every moment with my little guy (except when I’m crabby/tired/frustrated and maybe forgetting to be thankful…it happens!)


Around 2 months we were having a really rough time with nursing.  He would refuse or start and stop all the time and scream instead.  It was a frustrating time.  Nursing sessions sometimes took over an hour, and I would need to pump after it all.  I hated not being able to give him what he needed when I knew he was hungry.  Thankfully he’s totally over that stage and nurses without much trouble. I hope I’m not jinxing myself, these things can change quickly!

I still can’t believe how much I under-estimated the huge life change nursing would be.  To live life in four-hour chunks where you’re never far from baby (or pump) is no joke.  I’m glad it’s going better now and thankful I’m able to breastfeed.



Sam is sleeping very well. He goes to sleep around 9.  Most of the time he sleeps through the night.  Other times, he’ll be up once for a feeding session or a couple times because he’s flipped onto his stomach, legs stuck, or needing a pacifier.


Naps aren’t always so easy.  He is such a cuddle bug that putting him down in his crib or swing to sleep just doesn’t always happen.  He would much rather be nestled in close to mom or dad or grandpa or grandma.  Can’t blame him, we like it too!


New House

We are spending a lot of our time talking and dreaming about our new house!  They broke ground in May and we’re getting pretty close to being able to move in. EEEK!  The house is close-by our current place so most nights we check out the progress.  It has been so fun to watch it go from a hole in the ground to a nearly-finished house.  We could totally live there now … except for the missing plumbing and toilets and furniture. 🙂

It has been amazing to be able to stay with David’s parents because it helped bridge the time between houses, spend time with them, and save money.  That said, we’re ready for the next part of our life as a family in our own little house!


Here is more of what’s going on with 3 Things!

3 things we call Sam:

  • Sam the Man, Little Man, Mr. Man
  • Fuzzhead
  • Sammer Jammer

3 monthly pics to share: 

I’ve been getting these monthly pics of Sam and it is awesome seeing him grow each time.


5 month pics to come!

3 new accomplishments for Sam


Sam seriously loves rolling all over the place.  He first rolled from his back to his tummy right before he turned 3 months old.  He didn’t do any more rolling for a while then starting up again before he turned 4 months.  Now he flips from back to tummy in about half a second.  He is usually pretty happy to be on his tummy and will lift himself way up to check everything out. We think he’s ready to start crawling.  He does this scooching thing where he digs his forehead into the ground, grunts, and pushes with his feet.  Sometimes this gets him an inch or two forward.  He’s ready to move!

  • Using his hands

Sam is getting much more hand coordination.  He thinks he’s such a smarty when he can take out his pacifier and put it back in.  I’m needing to be more careful about necklaces I wear and need to protect my hair from grabby hands.

  • Grabbing his toes

Sam loves his toes, especially when they make it all the way to his mouth so he can suck on them. :S


3 recipes I enjoyed

Yum.  Juicy blueberries, rich, custardy mix, and crumble topping.  I made this for a staff breakfast and really liked it.


I would say making these muffins was not super simple because of all the ingredient prep – grating apples and carrots (and worrying about grating my fingers…aah!), zesting an orange, and chopping nuts.  But, the result was delicious.


If you’re not afraid of frying foods, this is a must-try recipe.  Not quite the same as Cheesecake Factory (amazing) but still really good.

3 summer outings for Sam

  • Sioux Falls Zoo – I think this one still counts even though Sam slept the entire time!


  • Sioux Center Celebration Parade


  • Strawberry picking –  Sam only lasted 10 minutes out in the field but we had a good time with Grandma and Rachel.


3 ideas for our new house

I am so not good with decorating.  I don’t have an eye for design.  Still, David and I like to decorate with things that are personalized, maybe homemade, and not too fancy.

  • Anniversary Art : David and I just celebrated our 6th anniversary.  I think this artwork with 08-07-09 would be a nice personal touch for our bedroom.

number art4

  • Burlap Picture Frames : I love the idea of frames with clips so you can switch out the pictures whenever you want.  I’m thinking this would be perfect in our foyer.


  • DIY Frame Shelves : Wow! Such a great idea and love the combo of storage and artwork.


3 words to describe Samuel










Samuel, you make so many people so happy.  Thanks for being a bright beam of sunshine in our lives.  We love watching you grow up and can’t wait for the months to come!

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